Get to know the CFANS Princess Kay finalists

June 12, 2024

You probably can’t say you’ve had your face carved into 90 pounds of butter unless you are a Princess Kay finalist.

Portrait photographs of Selena Corona and Rachel Visser, CFANS students and 2024 Princess Kay finalists


Princess Kay of the Milky Way is a statewide competition hosted by Midwest Dairy for young women in the dairy industry to become the goodwill ambassador for dairy in Minnesota. This year, two of the ten finalists, Selena Corona and Rachel Visser, are CFANS students. 

Finalists are judged on their knowledge of the dairy industry as well as their enthusiasm and communication skills. During the Minnesota State Fair, finalists have their likeness sculpted in butter. You can watch the butter sculpting live at the butter sculpting booth in the Dairy Building. This beloved butter sculpting tradition has been a part of the Fair for 59 years. 

The winner of the Princess Kay competition will be crowned at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, the night before the opening day of the Fair; she will spend the year advocating for the dairy industry, attending events, and connecting consumers to Minnesota farmers.

Selena Corona

Selena Corona

What do you study in CFANS? 

I am a first generation senior at the University of Minnesota double majoring in Animal Science and Agricultural Communications and Marketing with a minor in Agriculture, Food, and Business Management.

What are you involved with on campus? 

I’m the Representative at Large of Lambda Delta Phi Sorority, the President of the National Agri-Marketing Association-Student Chapter, and involved in Gopher Dairy Club, Agricultural Business Club, and Agricultural Education, Communication, and Marketing Club.

How did you get involved in the dairy industry? 

Some of my high school friends came from dairy farms or were involved in showing dairy cattle or dairy judging. I became very interested in dairy because of these things. Some of my extended family also had dairy farms. I got very involved in dairy once I did several veterinary shadows at dairy farms, and then once I came to college I joined the Gopher Dairy Club and met other peers that were passionate about dairy. Now I help at a small local dairy farm when I’m home from college.

What about the dairy industry interests you? 

I’m very passionate about finding a career with a dairy company in a marketing or communications role. I would like to serve in a role where I can continue to bridge the gap between dairy farmers and consumers. I really enjoy visiting different dairy farms to see how they operate! It’s very interesting to see and observe. I am also a veterinary technician when I’m at school for a small animal clinic. I’m a huge animal lover so this is a great way to spend my time. Whether it’s cows or cats—I’m a big fan.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I love dancing and danced from ages seven to 18! I also was in a bowling league in middle school through high school.

Rachel Visser

Rachel Visser

What do you study in CFANS? 

I am a sophomore at the University of Minnesota where I am majoring in Agricultural and Food Business Management and Agricultural Communications and Marketing.

What are you involved with on campus? 

I am involved in Gopher Dairy Club, Agriculture Business Club, Agriculture Education, Communications and Marketing Club, as well as Beta of Clovia sorority.

How did you get involved in the dairy industry? 

I first got my start in the dairy industry through showing dairy cattle in 4-H and since then, have been working and helping on a dairy farm close to home. I enjoy sharing my passion for agriculture with others and working at the farm alongside my sisters.

What about the dairy industry interests you? 

My favorite part about the dairy community is the close network of peers, producers, and industry professionals that all share the same appreciation for cows and goal of producing wholesome dairy products.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

In addition to dairy princess events, I can often be found preparing my marking lambs or Jersey calves for the Minnesota State Fair or spending time outside with my sisters.