Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awards

CFANS Distinguished Diversity and Inclusion Award

Following a competitive process, two awards of up to $2,000 to a personal/ professional development fund, and a commemorative plaque will be awarded as follows: 

  • DEI Staff Award (P&A, CSBU, Postdoc, faculty)
  • DEI Team/Group Award (includes Departments, Units, ROCs, Bell Museum, and the Arboretum)

The CFANS Distinguished Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award was established to recognize accomplishments, innovation and efforts to achieve and sustain diversity, equity and inclusion within the College’s personnel, policies, programs, environment, climate, and constituencies. It has evolved to recognize and include equity and inclusion.

  • Diversity is about understanding and honoring the ways people are unique. It includes the incredible variety that exists from one person to another. This variety can come from traits like race, sex/gender, gender identity, color, ability, age, and sexual orientation. Things like appearance, body size, culture, national origin, education and economic background also play a key role in informing who we are and how we think. 
  • Equity means fairness, which is about giving everyone what they need to be successful. This includes a guarantee of fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement for all individuals while working to identify and eliminate barriers to full participation. 
  • Inclusion is about welcoming all people and ensuring they have equitable access to opportunities, benefits, and services by creating environments of mutual respect where everyone is valued and supported.
  • Definitions for each of the three terms above have been adopted from The Gopher Equity Project



  • College faculty or staff employee at time of nomination and award (at least 75% appointment), or registered student
  • Five years since any previous CFANS DEI award 
  • Previous applicants who did not receive the award


  • UMN employee at time of award nomination OR non-University collaborating partners directly engaged in College collaborations on behalf of a CFANS colleague or a group.
  • Self-nominations are also accepted and encouraged. Self-nominator should meet the criteria listed above for “Nominee"

The College defines diversity as the fact of human difference that makes a difference in how we interact with one another, communities, institutions and ourselves (relative to developing and respecting human potential, creating a supportive, nurturing climate and environment, and acknowledging legal responsibilities to historical inequalities). Because of historical and legal circumstances unique to the history of our nation and to our democracy, we pay particular attention to the areas outlined in the University's Equal Opportunity Statement. Those areas include: race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, and sexual orientation.

Nomination procedure

Nomination Materials for DEI Staff/Faculty Award:
Meant to support staff (including Postdoc, CSBU, P&A, and faculty) who contribute innovative efforts that address DEI-related growth in the College. These efforts could include programming, advocating for policy or procedural changes, mentoring, or other contributions that are beyond one’s appointed job description.

  • Narrative statement that describes:
    • the goal(s) in the CFANS DEI Strategic Plan to which the nominee’s contribution or commitment aligns
    • the stakeholders and/or community members impacted - who was included in the effort and what was the process for engagement?
    • the impacts on policy, culture, or environment as a result of the nominee’s DEI-related contributions
    • how the contributions or commitment will be assessed
  • Two letters of support that articulate accomplishments as detailed above
  • Completed application 

Nomination Materials for DEI Group/Team Award:
Meant to support a group or team (including Departments, ROCs, Bell Museum, Arboretum, or other ad-hoc group within CFANS) that contributes innovative efforts that address DEI-related growth in the College. These efforts could include programming, advocating for policy or procedural changes, mentoring, or other contributions that are beyond the group’s day-to-day responsibilities.

  • Narrative statement that describes:
    • the goal(s) in the CFANS DEI Strategic Plan to which the group’s contribution or commitment aligns
    • the stakeholders and/or community members impacted - who was included in the effort and what was the process for engagement?
    • the impacts on policy, culture, or environment as a result of the group’s DEI-related contributions
    • how the contributions or commitment will be assessed
  • Two letters of support that articulate accomplishments as detailed above
  • Completed application 

The CFANS Committee on Diversity and Inclusion shall select recipients. The committee may select only one recipient from each category for this award.

Past Award Winners

Josie R. Johnson Human Rights and Social Justice Award

The University of Minnesota established this award to recognize Dr. Josie R. Johnson’s lifelong contributions to human rights and social justice both within and beyond her tenure at the University. The award honors University of Minnesota faculty, staff and students who exemplify Dr. Johnson’s commitment to creating respectful and inclusive living, learning, and working environments.

Equity and Diversity Transformation Award

Established by the Office for Equity and Diversity, the University of Minnesota's Equity and Diversity Transformation Awards seek to infuse equity and diversity into every aspect of the University’s teaching, learning, research, service and outreach by funding creative yet pragmatic proposals for projects that support equity and diversity initiatives.

Outstanding Unit Award for Equity and Diversity

This award honors exemplary campuses, colleges, departments, or units that demonstrate leadership in equity and diversity work. The award is presented annually at the Equity and Diversity Breakfast and highlights units that are working to bring transformational and sustainable change to the University of Minnesota.

Other Awards, Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships

Awards, scholarships, grants, and fellowships for students, staff, faculty and departments at the University of Minnesota offered and administered by other OED unit offices