About Inclusive Excellence

Inclusive Excellence (IE) is a change model or framework that initially was developed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities in 2005. IE recognizes that an institution's success is dependent on the extent to which it centers, values, and engages the vibrant diversity of all its community members, including students, staff, faculty, alumni and other key partners. At its core, Inclusive Excellence offers a framework to guide an institution to consider, embed, and monitor best practices for diversity, equity, inclusion, and success across five key institutional dimensions.

An illustration of the five pillars of inclusive excellence

Dimensions of Inclusive Excellence

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Dimensions of Inclusive Excellence

Access & Success

This IE dimension focuses on identifying opportunities to reduce barriers to educational opportunities, full engagement, and success for CFANS students, faculty, and staff. There is also a focus on creating new access and opportunity pathways to CFANS particularly for historically excluded populations.

Education & Scholarship

This IE dimension focuses on examining ways in which our program curricula, teaching, as well as research, and professional development opportunities for students and employees employ inclusive best practices.

Climate & Connection

This IE dimension focuses on creating and sustaining an environment in which individuals feel connected, supported, valued, and a sense of belonging.

Infrastructure & Investment

This IE dimension focuses on ensuring we build and invest in the resources, policies, practices, and performance measures needed to design equitable, inclusive learning and working environments in CFANS.

Community Engagement

This IE dimension focuses on building effective relationships with equity-minded community partners that serve to achieve shared Inclusive Excellence objectives.