U.S. Farm Report College Roadshow taped live at University of Minnesota

November 3, 2023


Tyne Morgan, host of U.S. Farm Report, brought her annual College Roadshow to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus in St. Paul on November 2, with a live taping of a panel discussion with CFANS agricultural economists. Since 2018, the U.S. Farm Report has taken their show on the road to land-grant universities to talk to their policy experts and tell stories showcasing the agricultural research happening at campuses across the nation. 

CFANS was proud to host the College Roadshow for its first-ever stop at the University of Minnesota. Students and Goldy Gopher made up the live audience and competed in a sign-making competition sponsored by Beck's Hybrids

Tyne and panel

During the live taping, host Tyne Morgan discussed grain markets and farm profitability with CFANS Dean Brian Buhr, Robert Craven (Center for Farm Financial Management) and Ed Usset (CFFM and Department of Applied Economics), pictured left to right above. Additional segments during the episode highlight the U of M apple breeding program with David Bedford, disease resistance in cereal crops with Brian Steffenson and Matthew Moscou, and methane emissions in dairy cattle with Brad Heins. 

College Roadshow crowd

Students and Goldy Gopher during the live taping on the St. Paul campus lawn