A new realm of elms
Returning disease-resistant native elm species back to the Minnesota landscape

Dutch elm disease is one of the most critical invasive pathogen threats to Minnesota, and has decimated the American elm tree in urban parts of the state. As cities also contend with the widespread loss of ash trees to emerald ash borer, there is a need for new trees to fill the gap.
Researchers at the Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center (MITPPC) have been studying surviving elm trees in the region with the goal of understanding their natural resistance to Dutch elm. Team members aim to return disease-resistant native elm species back to the Minnesota landscape.

On Earth Day 2023, the Green Crew, chartered by the Izaak Walton League - Minnesota Valley Chapter, hosted an event in Bloomington to reforest American elm trees cultivated with a natural resistance to Dutch elm disease from native Minnesota trees. About 180 volunteers planted 50 elm trees propagated and grown by the MITPPC research team.