All hail the Honeycrisp!

August 12, 2024

CFANS Insights survey shows Minnesotans hanker for home-grown apples, proclaim the iconic U of M variety their favorite

Apple survey graphic.

Minnesota apple pickers, flex your muscles! The time to reach into those phenomenal fruit trees and pluck out mouth-watering home-grown gems is near. As apple season approaches, a new CFANS Insights survey shows that more than half of Minnesotans (52 percent) claim the University of Minnesota-born Honeycrisp as their favorite, and nearly one-third (32 percent) are willing to pay a premium for it. The beloved apple variety (designated as the official state apple in 2006) is just one of 29 varieties to sprout from the U of M’s iconic apple breeding program since its inception in 1878. That’s good news considering the survey also reported that 80 percent of Minnesotans say it’s important to them to buy Minnesota-grown fruits, outpacing national trends in local fruit purchasing.

“These findings highlight the enduring legacy of the Honeycrisp apple in Minnesota,” said Jim Luby, one of the original apple breeders responsible for the legendary variety. Luby, who will retire at the end of August after a 41-year career leading the Fruit Breeding Program at the U of M, notes that today, Honeycrisp is among the top three apple varieties grown in the U.S.*, and production continues to climb. 

When it comes to the apple eating experience, Honeycrisp scores with Minnesota apple aficionados, as well. Our state’s snackers find it most important that apples are sweet (41 percent), crunchy (26 percent) and juicy (20 percent), and Honeycrisp hits those attributes out of the park. 

Abundant apples, acres of ancestry
According to Minnesota Grown, a statewide partnership between the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and producers of specialty crops, there are 20 million pounds of apples grown in the state each year, and the partnership boasts more than 140 orchards across Minnesota. 

Four Honeycrisp apples on a tree.

Honeycrisp, in particular, continues to build a legacy, living on through its “descendant” apple varieties developed at the U of M: SweeTango, First Kiss/Rave, Triumph and Kudos. The birthplace of Honeycrisp is recognized as well — 45 percent of Minnesotans surveyed knew that the variety was originally created at the U of M. As the Fruit Breeding Program at the U of M marks more than 14 decades of creating world-renowned fruits, champions of the program are excited to see what comes next.

“Honeycrisp has not only proven itself to be a consumer favorite but also an outstanding breeding parent. Those special traits that people love about Honeycrisp are being passed on to its descendants with some interesting new twists,” said  David Bedford, U of M Fruit Breeding Program research scientist. 

According to John Jacobson, owner of the Pine Tree Apple Orchard in White Bear Lake, Minn., the U of M’s family of apples have continually delighted his customers. "We've always been proud to grow apples bred by the University of Minnesota because they consistently deliver exceptional quality and flavor,” he said. “The University's commitment to innovation and sustainability ensures that we're able to offer our customers unique, delicious varieties that thrive in our climate and keep people coming back year after year." 

Visit and orchard during apple season 
First Kiss is the earliest available U of M apple each fall, starting mid to late August. Find an orchard near you to get picking! In addition, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum’s AppleHouse is back and better than ever, reopening for the season on August 22 with extended hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Get ready for all your fall favorites including freshly picked, in-season apples, delicious U of M College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) meat products, gourmet treats and charming seasonal decor. This year, the AppleHouse is introducing a selection of ice creams from the CFANS Meat and Dairy Salesroom. Visitors don't need a reservation or membership to visit the AppleHouse. Don't miss out on this deliciously fun start to fall! 

*USDA ERS Fruit & Tree Nuts Outlook: March 2024

About the CFANS Insights survey
The CFANS Insights survey is a consumer poll that explores key perceptions and opinions about important topics in food, agriculture, and natural resources. This Geo CARAVAN survey was conducted by Big Village among a sample of 1,005 residents of Minnesota 18 years of age and older. The survey was live July 2 - 10, 2024.