All In. For All. Reflections on the Minnesota FFA State Convention 2023

May 4, 2023

By Elaine Dorn, BS '22 AECM and BA '22 in French studies. Dorn currently works in the CFANS Department of Agricultural Education, Communication and Marketing as an events and recruitment coordinator. She shares her reflections on this year's Minnesota FFA State Convention.

FFA students sitting at desks.

Collaboration and community are catalysts of innovation and change. They are an opportunity to learn and evolve, while inspiring passion and excitement for the future. Each year, the Minnesota FFA Convention highlights just that, along with the innovative and exciting future of the agricultural community found in its students. It exemplifies and celebrates how FFA members consistently strive for growth in their endeavors. For many students, State Convention is an opportunity to meet friends, grow as young professionals, and learn about the endless possibilities available to them within FFA and within agriculture, food, and natural resources. The convention theme of “All In. For All”  similarly spotlighted the dedication and community found within the blue jacket and at the Minnesota FFA Convention. As part of record attendance this year, students and supporters filled Williams Arena from April 23 to April 25, 2023,  to celebrate the efforts of a successful year and recognize the achievements, accomplishments and contributions of FFA members, stakeholders  and supporters alike. 

Throughout convention, students engaged in career development and leadership development events on the St. Paul Campus and the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. As both teams and individuals, students competed in a wide array of events, ranging from extemporaneous and prepared public speaking to livestock evaluation and talent. Each of the event areas works to grow students in their professional and personal skillsets as they look toward careers post-high school and college. The events would not be possible without the tireless effort, support and expertise of volunteers and supporters. Special thank you to everyone who judged and volunteered at events!

FFA students on stage.

“We know the impact of FFA is at the local level as members serve their local communities, apply the knowledge from their agriculture, food, and natural resources education classes, and explore related careers. Minnesota’s convention is an opportunity to celebrate the work and success that happens in each FFA chapter every day,” said Interim Executive Director, Dr. Lavyne Rada.

Highlights of State Convention included keynote addresses from each member of the Minnesota FFA State Officer Team, the Millenial Farmer, Zach Johnson, widely recognized inspirational speaker, Gian Paul Gonzalez, and the National FFA Central Region Vice President, Karstyn Cantrell. Additionally, students had the opportunity to participate in workshops, the Career Connections Fair featuring colleges and businesses from across the Midwest, and take part in “Discover the Scientist Within” activities organized by the University of Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS). Finally, convention concluded with the recognition of state star winners and the election of a new state officer team.

The University of Minnesota is proud to host the electrifying and exciting event that is the Minnesota FFA Convention and welcome FFA members and guests to campus. Thank you to everyone who made it possible, and congratulations on a job well done to all those who competed. We look forward to seeing you next year!