Message from the Dean: Remembering George Floyd on the one-year anniversary of his death

May 25, 2021

Dear CFANS Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Today is a day of solemn reflection as we remember and honor the life of George Floyd; a life that was taken from him unjustly one year ago in our very own community.

Twelve months may have passed, but the pain and frustration are still present, reminding us that we remain on a long journey of justice and healing. We are each called to commit to doing the work to create and sustain an environment that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive for all in CFANS and beyond in our communities. As President Gabel said in her note this morning, our shared efforts are just a start.

I am inspired and encouraged by our CFANS community’s passionate dedication as we begin the Phase 3 work of our CFANS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan. I look forward with anticipation to implementing the plan this fall, working with you to build on our areas of strength and improve where we’re falling short. As a land grant university established with systemic land takings from Native Americans, we have a special obligation to address the systemic underpinnings that are discriminatory and exclusive, and to live up to the higher ideals of creating a just, civil, and inclusive society for all.
I know that the significance of today weighs heavily on each of us and in our own ways. Please know that CFANS and the University are here to support you and offer a variety of resources for your wellbeing. Take the time you need to process, reflect, and focus on your own health and that of your family and friends.

Thank you for the compassion and support you show to one another as we strive to make equity a part of everyone’s lived experience, every day. In doing so, we honor George Floyd, Philando Castile, Daunte Wright, and so many others, as we move forward with determination and hope.


Brian Buhr 
Dean, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
Director, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station
Professor, Department of Applied Economics