New climate tool helps predict local effects of a global change

May 30, 2024

[Opinion] Heidi Roop, director of the Climate Adaptation Partnership, Extension specialist, and assistant professor in CFANS, shares how farmers, anglers and engineers are among those who will benefit from a peek at the possible future through a new climate tool, Minnesota CliMAT

MN CliMAT is an interactive online tool that provides highly localized climate projections for Minnesota. Users can view climate projections down to the 4km/2.5mile scale across the state, visualizing how even specific towns will likely be impacted in the coming decades. 

"Raw numbers don't problem-solve for us or tell us what solutions might work best in a given community or context. That's why, through our University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership's Weather Ready Extension program, we are committed to helping the public and professionals across a range of communities and industries learn how to use these data in adaptation planning and decision-making," said Roop.

Read the full opinion piece in the Star Tribune.