CFANS visits U of M alumni community in D.C.

June 13, 2024

Slideshow: Foundation DC alumni event June 2024

University of Minnesota in Washington, D.C.

University of Minnesota in Washington, D.C.

(L to R) CFANS faculty members George Annor, Heidi Roop

(L to R) CFANS faculty members George Annor, Heidi Roop

University of Minnesota in Washington, D.C.

University of Minnesota in Washington, D.C.

University of Minnesota in Washington, D.C.

University of Minnesota in Washington, D.C.

CFANS Professor George Annor

CFANS Professor George Annor

University of Minnesota in Washington, D.C.

University of Minnesota in Washington, D.C.

The University of Minnesota hosted an alumni reception with a panel discussion at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, to connect the area's dynamic alumni community with University representatives.

Four U of M faculty members, including CFANS Department of Food Science and Nutrition Professor George Annor and Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics Professor Don Wyse spoke on a panel about sustainability from their respective areas of expertise. [Note: Professor Don Wyse passed away peacefully on July 2, 2024.]

Patrick Roche of the U of M Foundation welcomed an engaged group of D.C. alumni, staff and friends of the University in attendance.

"There’s nothing like being in a room with a crowd that loves the University of Minnesota. And that is why we are here tonight. To celebrate the work, the accomplishment, the pursuit of excellence that is part of the U’s DNA," said Roche.

"Attendees appreciated hearing specifics about the valuable impact of the University's research," said Mary Buschette, CFANS Director of Constituent and Alumni Relations. 

The faculty panel discussed climate change and how they examine systems of our society to help create a more sustainable future. CFANS staff and alumni took advantage of the opportunity to reconnect and share their stories about what the U means to them.

If you are interested in having CFANS faculty come to your town for an engaging and educational science-themed event, please complete this form  — we’d love to discuss the possibilities!