Hayes Phillips Awards Program
- Thursday, May 16, 3:30 p.m. Lecture by Shawn Kaeppler, PhD, Borlaug Hall
- Friday, May 17, 9:30 a.m. Awards Ceremony, Cargill Building
The Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics has announced the recipients of its annual Hayes Phillips and Distinguished Alumni awards. Hayes Phillips awardee Hannah Stoll and alumni awardees Roberto Tuberosa and Tabare Abadie will be honored during an awards ceremony on May 17.
This year’s annual awards program will be held over two days—Thursday and Friday, May 16 and 17— and will include an awards ceremony, as well as a tribute to Professor Ron Phillips, who died last fall. All past recipients of the Hayes Phillips Award have been invited to attend.
The Hayes Phillips Award is named after two distinguished faculty members in the department: H. K. Hayes, a faculty member from 1915 to 1952, and Ronald L. Phillips, a faculty member from 1968 to 2010. Each year, the award is given to an APG graduate student who has excelled in academics, research, teaching, leadership, and service.
The event will begin with a lecture by University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor Shawn Kaeppler on May 16 at 3:30 p.m. in 335 Borlaug Hall. Kaeppler, who received his doctorate in Plant Genetics and Breeding from the University of Minnesota, will also give a tribute to Professor Phillips. A reception and catered dinner will follow in the Land O’ Lakes Collaboration Center in Borlaug Hall.
The May 17 activities will begin at 8 a.m. with a coffee and speed mentoring program with current students and alumni in the atrium of the Cargill Building. The awards ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. in 105 Cargill and the public is invited to attend.