Celebrate Ag & Food Day 2024

CFANS, Gopher Athletics, and a collection of agribusinesses from throughout the state will be joining forces to celebrate the 12th annual Celebrate Ag and Food Day 2024 at Huntington Bank Stadium on September 21, 2024.

Cheer on as the Gophers and Hawkeyes battle for the iconic Floyd of Rosedale trophy, a 98-pound bronze pig . During Celebrate Ag and Food Day, the Gophers highlight the hard work, innovation, and resiliency of the folks who work in the agriculture and food industry here in the great state of Minnesota.
Gopher fans are encouraged to wear maroon for a Maroon Out.
Want to attend the game? Buy tickets in the CFANS section!
- Individuals who purchase a ticket through this CFANS link will receive a CFANS Ag & Food Day t-shirt sponsored by Joyer Adventure Farms and GreenSeam, while supplies last.
- Connect with fellow CFANS community members at the Ski-U-Mania Pregame Party at the McNamara Alumni Center on gameday—doors open at 4:30 p.m. Look for the table with a CFANS sign.
Supporting ag and food year-round through CFANS work
Thank you to the Presenting and Participating Sponsors who contribute beyond the success of Celebrate Ag and Food Day to provide year-round commitment to projects, research and scholarships in CFANS.
Compeer Financial is the largest sponsor for the CFANS Alumni Society. Providing support for Alumni Society programming keeps opportunities like the CFANS Mentor Program growing every year, creating lasting professional connections for current CFANS students with alumni in their desired field of work.
CHS, Inc. supports a number of initiatives across the College, including Agricast, a digital resource to share science stories; undergraduate student scholarships; and student group mini-grants.
Midwest Dairy supports research efforts in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, advancing knowledge in dairy ingredient process, safety, flavor and nutrition. Midwest Dairy's Princess Kay of the Milky Way serves as the goodwill ambassador for Minnesota's dairy farmers; this year's Princess Kay is CFANS student Rachel Visser, a junior majoring in Agricultural and Food Business Management and Agricultural Communications and Marketing (ACM). Additionally, ACM major Liv Veiseth represented CFANS during an dairy business internship with Midwest Dairy this summer.
Minnesota Soybean supports the work of more than a dozen researchers across the College, primarily in the Soybean Research Center, to advance projects in pest management, soybean breeding and genetics.
Minnesota Corn recently supported Bell Museum camps across Greater Minnesota this summer, promoting science learning at Research and Outreach Centers. These ever-expanding summer learning programs provide area youth with connections to science in their own backyard, meeting researchers who make an impact on their local environment.
Thank you to all Presenting and Participating Sponsors for Celebrate Ag and Food Day 2024.