CFANS Alumni Connectors
What do Alumni Connectors do?

Alumni Connectors will be called upon by both CFANS admissions and alumni relations staff to help support both recruitment and engagement initiatives. As an Alumni Connector, you may be asked to help:
- Build relationships with local educators, schools, etc.
- Support announcement of scholarships in your local community
- Develop community among fellow CFANS alumni and friends
- Represent CFANS at local events
What is the time commitment of being an Alumni Connector?
The time commitment to be an Alumni Connector is variable, and can be tailored to fit the schedule of each volunteer. Some connectors might volunteer 2-4 hours a year, while others may contribute more. The time invested in this role will depend on the number of engagement opportunities presented to you and the number of engagement opportunities you seek out for yourself.
What will I gain from being an Alumni Connector?
Being an Alumni Connector is a great way to stay connected to CFANS and support the future leaders of CFANS related careers. We aspire for each connector to feel a sense of giving back to the college and supporting their surrounding community.