CFANS Graduate Student Board

Responsibilities include:

  • Facilitate communication between graduate students, faculty, administration, and the alumni of CFANS
  • Participate directly in discussions and provide input on issues that concern graduate student academic and professional life
  • Inform peer graduate students of leadership and development opportunities

Graduate Student Resources

GSB Grants:

The fall 2024 grant applications are now available. Applications are due Nov. 15, 2024.

Questions, concerns, or want to become more involved? Email [email protected].

CFANS Graduate Student Board Executive Team

Board Member



Abigail KischChairNutrition
Trey MaddalenoVice Chair       Land and Atmospheric Science
Hsuan-Fu WangTreasurerPlant Pathology
Theresa JolejoleCommunicationsNutrition
Caitlin KlaeuiSecretaryAnimal Science
Anne RuudAdvisor Graduate Programs Specialist
Mary BuschetteAdvisorDirector of Alumni Relations

Graduate Student Board: Program Contacts 




Animal ScienceCaitlin KlaeuiDhananjai Muringattu Prabhakaran
Applied EconomicsZizhuo ChenCarmen Armen Montalvo
Applied Plant SciencesMaicy VossenMuyideen Yusuf
Bioproducts and Biosystems Science, Engineering & ManagementCharles AyersVacant
Conservation Sciences Kiley DavanJack Rabe
EntomologyLaura FrickeSayesha Khanna
Food ScienceObed AduamaBrittany Kralik
Land and Atmospheric Science  Trey MaddalenoAzucena Sierra Garcia
Natural Resources Science and ManagementJessica RootesVacant
Nutrition Abigail KischTheresa Jolejole
Plant PathologyConnor SlawinHsuan-Fu Want
Water Resources ScienceVacantVacant