CFANS Graduate Programs Contacts

Milena Saqui-Salces
Interim Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Programs
277 Coffey Hall
[email protected]

Anne Ruud
Graduate Programs Specialist
277 Coffey Hall
[email protected]

University of Minnesota graduate programs admissions

Graduate ProgramName TitleContact
Agricultural Education and CommunicationRebecca SwensonDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
+1 612 624 6590
146C Ruttan Hall
Agricultural Education and CommunicationJenna MeadGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 625 3777
231H Ruttan Hall
Animal ScienceMarcia EndresDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
+1 612 624 5391
225C Haecker Hall
Animal ScienceElla BoothGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
Applied EconomicsMetin ÇakirDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
+1 612 626 7769
317G Ruttan Hall
Applied EconomicsJenna MeadGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 625 3777
231H Ruttan Hall
Applied Plant SciencesCindy TongDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
+1 612 624 3419
434 Alderman Hall
Applied Plant SciencesAaron LorenzAssociate Director of Graduate Studies
307 Hayes Hall
Applied Plant SciencesSerena Jones-WhiteGraduate Program Coordinator
416 Borlaug Hall
Bioproducts and Biosystems Science Engineering and ManagementRoger RuanDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
+1 612 625 1710
206 BioAgEng Building
Bioproducts and Biosystems Science Engineering and ManagementSue OlsenGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 625 7733
200 BioAgEng Building
Conservation SciencesJoseph BumpDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
+1 612 624 2255
201B Green Hall
Conservation SciencesAnup JoshiGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 624 7751
135B Skok Hall
EntomologyDan CariveauDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
EntomologySarah CowanGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected] 226 Hodson Hall
Food ScienceB Pam IsmailDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected], FSCN 146
Food ScienceAndrew HoweGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 624 6753
225 FSCN
Land and Atmospheric ScienceFabian FernandezDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
+1 612 625 7460
S233 Soil Science Building
Land and Atmospheric ScienceDylan MilletDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
+1 612 626 3259
552 Borlaug Hall
Land and Atmospheric ScienceKari JarchoGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 625 5251
439 Borlaug Hall
Natural Resource Science and ManagementChris EdgarDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected]
+1 612 626 1205
301F Green Hall
Natural Resource Science and ManagementJennifer WelshGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 624 7683
220E Green Hall
Nutrition & DieteticsKathleen Hill-GallantDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected], FSCN 268
Nutrition & DieteticsAndrew Howe Graduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 624 6753
225 FSCN
Plant PathologyCory HirschDirector of Graduate Studies[email protected], 314 Stakman Hall
Plant PathologyDiane HennanGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 625 7630
495 Borlaug Hall
Water Resources ScienceDiana KarwanDirector of Graduate Studies
U of M - Twin Cities
[email protected]
+1 612 624 2774
301G Green Hall
Water Resources ScienceChan Lan ChunDirector of Graduate Studies
U of M - Duluth
[email protected] 101 Swenson Civil Engineering
Water Resources ScienceTracy FallonGraduate Program Coordinator[email protected]
+1 612 624 7456
193 McNeal Hall