Teach-in: From Mohamed Noor to Derek Chauvin: Race, Policing, and the Criminal Justice System in Minneapolis

April 19, 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM

The University's Interdisciplinary Collaborative Workshop (ICW): Public Scholarship and Teaching will host its first teach-in, Criminal (in)Justice, Race, and Policing: Derek Chauvin, Mohamed Noor, and Beyond. This event will feature four panelists, including Keith Mayes, Associate Professor, African American and African Studies (AAAS), UMN; Michelle Phelps, Associate Professor, Sociology, UMN; Ian Taylor, a graduate of AAAS and the Law School at the University of Minnesota; and a community activist from the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar. The panel will be moderated by Amber Joy Powell, a PhD candidate in Sociology whose research focuses on sexual violence in the juvenile detention system.

For the second time in less than two years, the city of Minneapolis will be the site of a police trial that has garnered national and international attention. Given the temporal proximity of these trials and the centrality of race (and gender) in both cases, this teach-in will take a deep look at the Chauvin trial from jury selection to trial arguments and commentary and will do so in a way that helps our students and communities better understand how race, gender, policing, and police violence are adjudicated.